Bildung ist kein Wettbewerb. Weshalb wir innovative Intelligenz brauchen und Musik und Mathematik kombinieren. Ein Einblick in die Denkweisen von Sir Ken Robinson und Sadhguru.
Education is not a competition
Learning is an individual process that can only be organized by the brain of the one willing to learn and I don’t know any child that doesn’t want to learn. Babies learn to speak without anyone teaching them. It’s not like you explain to a thoddler what nouns, verbs and adjectives are. Don’t worry about the subjunctive because nobody gets it.
Kids absorb language and other knowledge by themselves. When education kills this natural motivation to learn, it needs to change. Let’s try a different take.
Education is not a production line, it’s an organic process. Pulling on grass won’t make it grow faster. Commanded, controlled teaching is inhibiting creative, motivated learning.
A summary of Sir Ken Robinsons view on Education (RIP)
Intellect and intelligence
Intelligence is not the same thing as academic abilities. Not being very good at academic abilities doesn’t mean you aren’t intelligent. Don’t be interested in what peoples’ disabilities are, look what they are good at.
All kinds of kids are told they’ve got problems, who don’t have them. They’re created by the system. And it’s the problem with the system that we need to address. If we re-frame ability all of these difficulties people seem to be suffering from suddenly disappear. If you find the things they are good at, if you create an environment, which is holistic, which is addressing your spiritual development, your physical development, which recognize that human life is not linear, it’s organic and it will take many different courses – then you have a completely different set of conditions under which people will flourish.
So we now have a system based on competition, narrow view of ability, and one in which people being medicated to stay with the program, they’re being pathologized for losing interest in what is essentially very boring stuff. We sit them down all day long and wonder why they fidget.
There are different ways of doing it – better ways, I mean. For me, it’s as plain as day, really. Education is not like an incurable disease where we don’t know what to do. We know what to do in education. It’s about taking this thing to scale.
Instruction is part of it, but the important part is facilitating, peaking people’s curiosity, engaging them and inspiring their imagination and seeing the possibility in something rather the inabilities or what we can’t do.
Education became a money-making business and its goal is to create compliance by standardized testing. We can change this and we need to change it because we are facing challenges on earth that can’t be solved by the way we were thinking till now. Our spiritual development is lagging a long way behind our technological capacities. The problem is our lack of consciousness and creativity. It’s not about saving the planet. The planet will be fine, we need to save ourselves. There is no perfect way to do it but it’s about principles such as conditions, a holistic view of humanity, children’s growth and potential, recognizing the power of teaching and recognizing that you need to get these balances right and that we can do it. But it couldn’t be more important that we get on and do it.
Sir Ken Robinson (enjoyed special education from five till eleven)
Your intellect functions with accumulated information. If your memory is taken away your intellect is quite useless by itself. There are other dimensions of intelligence within you, which are independent. Feeling for example is not dependent on your memory.
Once you become educated you become isolated because this is the nature of the intellect. It separates and orders things into right and left, or wrong. You become an expert in an intellectual field you are lonely, and you are usually so identified with your intellect that you are like a car driving on one wheel, only using this part of your intelligence, judging it to be the most intelligent and others therefore as stupid. Bringing down all wheels on the ground means to also use and apply the rest of your intelligent being such as your emotional intelligence for example.
What we need is an innovative intelligence. The thing is, we don’t know what that is. The point is not about what we have gathered. What we have gathered is useful in creating comfort and convenience for the world. What we have gathered is not useful for creating well-being for ourselves and our world. If well-being has to happen, we have to access dimensions of intelligence which are not intellectual. Because intellect cannot function with accumulated information. Creating out of memory is not innovative. It is copying what already is.
Why we combine music and math
Dance and math are just as important and not separated from each other. They only function together like your liver and kidney are connected and need to work together. Thinking is also about making relationships and connections. We don’t need to separate everything.
Sir Ken Robinson
Why we train the mind to imagine
Imagination is prior to creativity.
Cultivating creativity and curiosity are the paramount starting point of education.
It begins by enlivening the ability to ask questions.
Sir Ken Robinson
Why we give written assessments
Who does well in the world is not determined by how many marks one received.